Well, besides this movie having lots of twists and turns in the plot, I really loved it because it was totally 70's all the way. Maybe even more than The Bob Newhart Show, my current guilty pleasure.
Within the first 10 minutes of the movie, the following things happened:
1) The mushroom lamp that is on Roger Sterling's desk in Mad Men was on a Richard Benjamin's desk.
2) Dyan Cannon and Raquel Welch talked about The Sleeping Beauty Diet which is featured in the book Valley of the Dolls. (It's not talked about in the movie - read the books folks, it's a classic!!)
3) Dyan Cannon drinks a TAB! (Look for the iconic can at the very bottom of the picture, towards the middle.)
Speaking of all things 70's, I've decided to start collecting pieces of Corning Ware with the popular 70's pattern "Spice of Life." I'm sure you've all seen it as it was very popular all the way through the mid-80's. After Thanksgiving, I am going to start selling off my Pfaltzgraff and replacing it with vintage Pyrex (I will have another post about this soon) and this cute mushroom and vegetable pattern. I should end up ahead monetarily becasue my Pfaltzgraff pattern is discontinued and sells pretty well on eBay. As for the Spice of Life, I intend on only getting it at yard sales and thrift stores. I got two perfect pieces today for under $5.
Now you all know what you can get me for Christmas!!
Le Romarin (Rosemary) with lid is a 10x10x2. It doesn't list the quart size so I filled it with water and it took 10 quarts to fill it. Maybe this size isn't ever measured in quarts??
La Marjolaine (Marjoram) was the gift from Karen. It is a 2 quart.
Le Persil (Parsley) is a 6 1/2 inch pan.
Le Sauge (Sage) is a 2 1/2 cup saucepan with a cute pouring spout. I am thinking about using this for my gravy at Thanksgiving since I don't have a gravy boat. What do you think?
I believe that all of these pieces originally came with lids. I am hoping that all glass Corning Ware lids (made by Pyrex) are interchangeable so that I will be able to get some to fit, eventually. Also, all four of these pieces say that they can be used on the range, oven and microwave. How cool is that?
Wonder how you're doing with your corning ware? I have the blue cornflower I've been using since buying them new many many years ago -- still love them as can use them so many ways, including in the microwave -- handles for transfer when hot -- cradles for use as serving dishes at the table.
I have a huge set now. Love them.
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