Saturday, March 31, 2007

Black or Pink?

Please let me know in the comments whether you preferred the old blog layout or the new pink one. I think I like the black better and will probably change back tomorrow unless I hear any other opinions.

Caj is so little

Here are the promised pictures of Caj. I wasn't able to get a before picture. Sorry.
This is the best trim he has had. As Jessica would say " he is so soft...just like Cashmere." (Sorry, Eric.) Too bad he smells like a strong floral sachet. I think it is the overwhelming little old lady flower smell (from the bath) that is making Miska hiss at him much more that usual. (She hid for the first few hours after he got home, they were both so traumatized.)
As for me, my new crown on my cracked molar (I grind my teeth at night and had no enamel left on it!) hurt a lot. So much so, that the dentist used temp glue and I have to go back in 3 weeks to get it permanent or....get a ROOT CANAL. Anyone want to see a picture of that?

Friday, March 30, 2007

Stay Tuned

Tomorrow I am getting my permanent cap. Yuk. But more importantly, Caj has a very important appointment tomorrow in Huntington Beach. Yes - Caj is going to the groomers! I will post before and after pictures this weekend. Meow!

CA Stores

In case any of you were wondering, I have created a map of my stores. I currently have 74 stores in CA, ranging from the bottom of Los Angeles County (Long Beach / Signal Hill) to the Fresno area (right under Modesto), 10 stores in Las Vegas and 3 stores in Utah (St George area).