We helped LA's homeless with HIV/AIDs by eating out at the Whale & Ale for
Dine Out LA. I chose the
Whale & Ale because it is supposedly an authentic English pub but in
San Pedro (the next town over from me). Plus, many of my friends gave it high reviews. What should of taken us 20 minutes to get there took over 90 minutes as the
Vincent St Thomas Bridge was CLOSED! We ended up going way, way northeast and then back south to get to San Pedro without going over the bridge. I LOVE that bridge now.
After the excruciating drive, just ask Mother if you don't believe me, the restaurant was only okay. I took some pictures (and you know that I put it into a slide show, right??) in the "pub" and also of the store fronts on the walk back to our car. Exciting times, eh?
Click on the picture of parents for slide show.