Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Old posts, pre-fires

I've been a little under the weather the last few days. Nothing to worry about, I am already feeling much better. Anyway, I am several post behind and some of them seem way too carefree and glib considering the state of Southern CA right now. Of course, I live in Long Beach by the beach so I am pretty much protected from the fires getting to me. But outside you would think the fires are only a mile or two away. The sky is always smoky as is the air. There are ashes everywhere. The postgirl (I guess that's what you call female postmen, maybe I should say the "postal worker"?) is wearing a dust mask as is anyone else who is outside for any length of time. On the news, Southern Californians are warned to stay inside. And I am NOT complaining. We are the lucky ones as we are safe and do not have to evacuate or worry about losing our homes.
So, I am going to post some of these older posts, just remember they were supposed to be posted pre-fires.

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