Sunday, July 01, 2012

Gnome update

For the few of you who have been to my house, this isn't news...but my friendly little garden gnome is now joined by some colorful mushrooms...

And here's Fluffy's view...
Also, my mother recently put up a post about my place and there's a picture of my deck in the post. You can see her awesome blog (which was just featured in a magazine!) here...Recollections of a Vagabonde


Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Your garden gnome is so cute and so is your cat. I haven't been to Memphis in many years and after looking at your mom's blog, I should go. My how it's changed. Her sunset pictures over the river are spectacular.

Enjoy your new home in Memphis. We've moved a lot during the course of our marriage, and each place has been an enjoyable adventure.

Vagabonde said...

Your little gnome and mushrooms are very colorful. Thanks for the support for my blog – which would not have been created without you.

sewa mobil jakarta said...

Very nice, thanks for sharing.