I believe that the latin word for this tree is Callistemon viminalis, and there are different varieties, as shown on this link: http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=WZPA,WZPA:2006-10,WZPA:en&q=Callistemon+viminalis a very pretty tree - wish we had one here.
Not sure what sort of tree that is, but I'm trying to work it out.
Our trees are losing their leaves here because it's mid-autumn in our neck of the woods.
I posted a picture on Facebook to get help and now I know that it is a weeping bottlebrush from the mrytle family.
I believe that the latin word for this tree is Callistemon viminalis, and there are different varieties, as shown on this link: http://images.google.com/images?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=WZPA,WZPA:2006-10,WZPA:en&q=Callistemon+viminalis
a very pretty tree - wish we had one here.
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